Information Re-Admissions Policy for Visitors:
Choosing a nursery is an important decision for you and your family, therefore we hope the following information will answer your questions about our aims and standards of childcare and education to enable you to have complete confidence that you are making the right choice.
The Nursery :
- Open Sunday to Thursday 8:00 am – 13:00 pm
- Has continuous staff development
- Works in partnership with parents
- We require notification of who is authorized to collect your child from the nursery. Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to leave the premises unless with a previously identified, authorized person.
- Small class /pupil numbers with one teacher, at least one assistant in each (more assistants if needs are identified)
Introductory Sessions
Before your child begins full days or sessions at Kinder land Nursery we would recommend that you and your child visit on several occasions for short introductory sessions. You are encouraged to stay with your child until he or she settles after which time we would suggest that you leave for short periods until both you and your child are relaxed and comfortable in the nursery setting.
No charge is made for the introductory sessions. Children learn very quickly that nursery is a fun, friendly place to be, therefore the settling-in period is rarely as difficult as you might imagine.
Additional Support Needs
If your child requires extra support for any reason, either on a temporary or permanent basis, we will make every effort to provide this support. The nursery staff is experienced at working closely with parents and other professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists and Paediatricians to help your child reach their full potential.
What do I Bring? Depending on our child’s age and stage of development you will need to provide: formula, nappies, soft indoor shoes, suitable outdoor clothing, and a change of clothes.
Clothing and Personal Property
Your child will be involved in messy activities at nursery and although the staff will encourage them to wear aprons whenever possible, we would advise that your child does not wear ‘good/expensive’ clothes to nursery as accidents can happen. It is helpful if you mark all your child’s belongings with their name as it can be difficult for our nursery staff to locate unnamed items. We would also recommend that your child does not bring toys from home as they do become upset if items become mislaid or broken.
For the health and well-being of all children attending Kinder land Nursery, your child should not come to the nursery if they are suffering from an infectious illness. If your child suffers from a non-infectious illness or an allergy we will endeavor to accommodate any special requirements they may have. Medication Parental permission is required for all medication to be administered at Kinder land Nursery.
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Positive behavior is promoted at Kinder land Nursery through praise and encouragement from the nursery staff. Children receive little attention for negative behavior; therefore, they quickly realize that the positive behavior will be rewarded. Our staff will keep you fully informed if your child requires support in this area at any time. If a pattern of behavior causing more concern develops, we will discuss this with you and agree with steps to move forward in the best interests of your child and the nursery. Activity Planning – The nursery staff plan activities to meet the children’s individual learning. These plans are flexible and respond to your child’s individual interests, needs, and developmental stage. We take photos of your child at play, artwork, dressing up, etc this is to help you see what activities your child is engaged in on a weekly basis.
The nursery staff will discuss your child’s day with you verbally.
You will receive two progress reports per year detailing your child’s progress and development.
We hope you enjoyed your visit and look forward to welcoming your child to Kinder land.